Saturday, February 24

Frozen Maryland, She Welcomes Me

Before I walked through security at LAX this morning, I paused out in the sunshine and just sort of smiled into it for a few awkward moments. I'd heard rumors of icy stuff in Baltimore, but tried to forget it for one more warm California ray.

Maryland has welcomed me with her freezing open arms, she has. I am a pretend dot in the center of the map above, expecting up to 2 inches of the frozen slush.

I had a great afternoon on the plane, mind you. In case you need ideas for your next trans-american flight, I shall offer you a list.

Things to Do When Flying Across America:
1. Get the window seat so you can see the Grand Canyon. (Amazing.)
2. Write a long letter to a good friend. Talk to them as if they're there.
3. Read some good books. (I read some of Frank Viola's brand new one, God's Ultimate Passion. Thought provoking. More on that soon. And I read James Smith's Who's Afraid of Postmodernism? Also delightfully insightful.)
4. Let your mind sleep by staring out the window.
5. Write to Jesus and tell him what you're thankful for. (He likes that.)
6. Eat a roast beef and mozzarella whole wheat wrap from your shopping day at Trader Joe's.
7. Listen to the wild joy of Regina Spektor, Beirut, and The Headlights on your iPod.

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